Open Tuesday – Saturday, 10:30am – 4:30pm Free entry



5 March 2019 - 5 May 2019


  • Theresa Taylor - Accretion II

  • Nigel Morris - Constructive Geometry I

  • Theresa Taylor - Looking Through I

  • Nigel Morris - Constructive Geometry 3

The combined exhibition of Theresa Taylor and Nigel Morris, “Spatiality Within” presents to the viewer a continued development of their printmaking practices, which has brought them to previously show work together and have an ongoing peer relationship as artists. The two artists came to meet while studying MA Fine Art at UCLAN under the tutorage of influential artists Pete Clarke and Turner Prize winner Lubaina Himid, upon completion of their MA, Theresa and Nigel’s continued interest in print developed together through exhibiting and art appreciation.

This combined exhibition will see the artists explore and examine spatiality from their own unique view points and practices. Alongside individual work, collaborative pieces will be presented as part of this show in the form of several blended prints made conjointly.

All prints are for sale, and the Collectorplan scheme allows you to spread the cost of your purchases over 12 months interest free.

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